Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Installer Script Command

Common Script Commands of Installer
These are old script commands for Installer, I think some of them are still applicable in Installer 4

CopyPath() and RemovePath()
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Other Common Commands
AbortOperation(string) This will make Installer both abort the install process and displays a message telling the user why
Confirm(string,string,string) Confirm an action.
Exec(terminalCommand) Runs a Terminal command. Useful for things like chmod, chown, etc.
ExecNoError(terminalCommand) Runs a Terminal command.
LinkPath(oldPath, newPath) Links the two paths.
MovePath(oldPath, newPath) Moves files from one location to another
Notice(string) Displays a pop message while Installing
SetStatus(string) Sets the status of the install process. Useful for lengthy installs.

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<string>Changing Permission. Do you wish to continue?</string>
<string>Changing Permissions</string>
<string>/bin/chmod -R 755 /var/mobile/Media/MyProgData</string>
<string>/usr/bin/chown -R mobile /var/mobile/Media/MyProgData/.</string>
<string>Installation Completed. Please restart iPhone.</string>

If / IfNot
If(condition[array], action[array]) Use this to check for specific conditions and have Installer react accordingly. Example
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<string>You must install another package first.</string>

Some common things to check with If / IfNot
InstalledPackage(bundleIdentifier) Checks to see whether or not an application is installed.
ExistsPath(path) Checks to see whether a specific file or directory exists
FirmwareVersionIs(arrayOfFirmwaresTocheck) Checks the firmware version

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