curl -fsSL | sh
(2) Modify bind IP address port settings and password of the code-server
Get Ubuntu IP address
ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet '
Edit bind address and password in
(3) start code-server in Ubuntu
(4) Modify firewall rule and add forward port in Windows using PowerShell with Admin Right. Create the following file vscode_server_port_wsl2.ps1 and run in PowerShell with Admin Right
- vscode_server_port_wsl2.ps1 Select all
# Get network information
$network_information = bash.exe -c "ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet '";
# Define ip address pattern
$ip_address_pattern = "\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}";
# Get ip address
$ip_address = $network_information -match $ip_address_pattern
# Proceed if ip address is found
if ($ip_address) {
# Get remote address
$remote_address = $matches[0];
# Define rule name
$rule_name = "VS Code Server (WSL2)";
# Define port for the VS Code Server - default is 8080
$port = 8080;
# Check if rule exists
$rule_exists = Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName $rule_name 2> $null;
# Proceed if rule doesn't exists
if (-Not $rule_exists) {
# Add new inbound rule
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName $rule_name -Direction Inbound -LocalPort $port -Protocol TCP -Action Allow
# Define listen address
$listen_address = "";
# Update ip address
iex "netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport = $port listenaddress = $listen_address";
iex "netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport = $port listenaddress = $listen_address connectport = $port connectaddress = $remote_address";
Do this in powershell with admin right.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
(5) Test access of code-server from other machine in the LAN
Use browser to access this address and enter password as in
http://<IP address of your windows machine>:8080/
(6) Test access of code-server from VPN connection from Internet.
First use OpenVPN to connect to your home/office network
Then use browser to access
http://<IP address of your windows machine>:8080/
(7) If you have installed docker for Windows, this command will help you to install and run code-server in docker.
- command prompt shell Select all
# Testing on local host machine
docker run --name code-server -p -v "$HOME/.config:/home/coder/.config" -v "$HOME/:/home/coder/project" -e "USER=$env:UserName" -e "DOCKER_USER=$env:UserName" codercom/code-server:latest
#or publish to the host machine IP address with port no 8081, to allow access from other LAN machines
docker run --name code-server -p 8081:8080 -v "$HOME/.config:/home/coder/.config" -v "$HOME/:/home/coder/project" -e "USER=$env:UserName" -e "DOCKER_USER=$env:UserName" codercom/code-server:latest
# stop container
docker stop code-server
# start container
docker start code-server
docker exec -it code-server cat .config/code-server/config.yaml
type $HOME\.config\code-server\config.yaml
. . .
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