Sunday, May 2, 2021

How to install openssh server in wsl2

(1) This is the guide to install openssh server and connect to wsl2 shell when ssh login from other machines in LAN network.

(2) However, if still cannot connect from external machines from LAN network after setting all the firewall rules. Do this in powershell with admin right.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force

(3) If want to setup jupyter-notebook server in wsl2 and connect from other machines in the LAN network. Follow this guide.

(4) The important setup steps are to open the Windows firewall rule and the script to port forward to the vm of the wsl2 as in.


(5) It is advised to login from external internet to local LAN machines via VPN Server only rather than exposing or forwarding the local ports directly via the router.

(6) Refer to this for setting openssh server authorized_keys, with proper file permission

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