Friday, April 23, 2021

How to setup google colab and start linear regression with tensorflow.

(1) You only need a chrome browser, google gmail account and google drive account to start cloud tensorflow computing. And it is free to use and learn.
(2) Go to
(3) Create a new notebook rename it and then Copy to Drive
(4) Type the following into notebook and run it step by step (Press Alt-Enter to run after each step)
LinearRegression.ipynb   Select all
#Step 1 # mount Google Drive, will ask for authorization code import numpy as np import os from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') #Step 2 # choose the notebook settings to use GPU, via Menu -> Edit -> Notebook Settings. %tensorflow_version 2.x import tensorflow as tf # will show GPU if successful tf.test.gpu_device_name() #Step 3 # load data import pandas as pd # either download the linear_data.csv and upload to google drive, or direct download it via the shell command as below !curl -L | grep -A200 START_OF_LINEAR_DATA.CSV | sed '1d' | sed -n "/END_OF_LINEAR_DATA.CSV/q;p" | sed 's/&gt;/\>/g;s/&lt;/\</g' > 'drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/linear_data.csv' df = pd.read_csv('drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/linear_data.csv') df.head() #Step 4 # split into independent and dependent X = df[['X']].values y = df[['Y']].values X.shape, y.shape #Step 5 # visualize data import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline plt.scatter(X,y) plt.xlabel('independent') plt.ylabel('dependent') # Use Text box to enter # # Linear Regression $ \hat y = a + b * X $ #Step 6 # Linear Regression # define regression model class regression(): def __init__(self): self.a = tf.Variable(initial_value=0,dtype=tf.float32) self.b = tf.Variable(initial_value=0,dtype=tf.float32) def __call__(self, X): x = tf.convert_to_tensor(X,dtype=tf.float32) y_est = tf.add(self.a, tf.multiply(self.b,x)) return y_est model = regression() # Use Text box to enter # # loss = sum of square error (sse) = $ \sum (y_t - y_p) ^ 2 $ # step 7 # define loss function def loss_func(y_true, y_pred): # both values are in tensors sse = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(y_true,y_pred))) return sse # Use Text box to enter # # Gradient Descent $ a = a_i - \nabla(sse) | a * LR $ $ b = b_i - \nabla(sse) | b * LR $ # step 8 # define train function def train(model, inputs, outputs, learning_rate): # convert outputs into tensor y_true = tf.convert_to_tensor(outputs,dtype=tf.float32) # GradientTape cal gradient distance with tf.GradientTape() as g: y_pred = model(inputs) current_loss = loss_func(y_true,y_pred) da,db = g.gradient(current_loss,[model.a,model.b]) # update the values model.a.assign_sub(da*learning_rate) model.b.assign_sub(db*learning_rate) # Step 9 def plot_scatter(x,y): plt.scatter(x,y) # scatter plt.plot(x,model(x),'r--') #line plot_scatter(X,y) # step 10 # model fitting model = regression() a_values = [] b_values = [] cost_values = [] # epochs, no of steps epochs = 100 # learning_rate learning_rate = 0.0001 for epoch in range(epochs): a_values.append(model.a) b_values.append(model.b) # prediction values and error y_pred = model(X) cost_value = loss_func(y,y_pred) cost_values.append(cost_value) # training train(model,X,y,learning_rate) # visual the scatter plot_scatter(X,y) #print the value print('Epoch: %d, Loss: %0.2f, a: %0.2f, b: %0.2f' %(epoch,cost_value,a_values[-1],b_values[-1])) # step 11 plt.plot(cost_values)

(5) Linear_data.csv , download and upload to google drive
linear_data.csv   Select all
X,Y 4,2 4,10 7,4 7,22 8,16 9,10 10,18 10,26 10,34 11,17 11,28 12,14 12,20 12,24 12,28 13,25 13,34 13,24 13,46 14,26 14,36 14,60 14,80 15,20 15,26 15,54 16,32 16,40 17,32 17,40 17,50 18,42 18,56 18,76 18,84 19,36 19,45 19,68 20,32 20,48 20,52

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