Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How to install tensorflow gpu for Ubuntu 20.04 or Mac OSX

1. Boot into Ubuntu 20.04 or Ubuntu 18.04

2. Download from

3. Start installation in Terminal

shell script    Select all
wget /bin/sh # After completion of installation, and accept init exit

4. Start Terminal App again

5. Update Anaconda, create virtual environment and install packages
shell script    Select all
conda config --set auto_activate_base false conda deactivate # Exit conda shell conda update conda conda update anaconda conda update python conda update --all mkdir -p $HOME/Projects cd $HOME/Projects/ conda create --name tf-gpu conda activate tf-gpu # Now in (tf-gpu) shell conda install tensorflow-gpu conda install matplotlib pandas scikit-learn conda install keras

6. Run the examples in how-to-install-tensorflow-with-gpu

or run the TensorFlow2 tutorial
conda activate tf-gpu
git clone
cd TensorFlow2-tutorial/01-basic-image-classification/

7. It is not necessary to have the required GPU hardware in order to install the gpu package, For machine without the required GPU, just first install tensorflow_gpu package and then download and install the tensorflow wheels file here
pip install --upgrade ~/Downloads/tensorflow-2.1.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl
, in order to optimise for CPU with AVX, AVX2, and FMA or to build from source here ->

Install tensorflow-mkl for Mac OS X

The installation steps are very similar, except
Download and install Anaconda3-2020.02-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg
curl -OL
And then follow step 4 to step 6 above. In step 5, additionally, install tensorflow-mkl from anaconda channel. tensorflow-mkl is optimized with Intel® MKL-DNN to use the following CPU instructions in performance critical operations: SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA (Specifically, Intel MKL-DNN is optimized for Intel® Xeon® processors and Intel® Xeon Phi™ processors). Package installation steps are
conda install tensorflow
conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-mkl
conda install matplotlib pandas scikit-learn keras

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