The project file can be downloaded here :!z9oFlTgJ!geCPHjoXJ3rpm1OdldU8s5RBSJxLKiAxh_axvTbODB4
The node.js ARMv7 version is v4.4.3 and npm 2.15.1
which (ARMv7) can be downloaded from
The project also use packages like bcryptjs, body-parser, express, jsonwebtoken and mongoose and integrate with mongodb. - No-SQL db.
To install mongodb in Raspberrry Pi, use sudo apt-get install mongodb
The following enhancements were made to the original project code
1. add shell scripts and use curl for API testing ( ..., as POSTMAN is only available in google chrome
2. add js code to avoid creating of duplicated user (test using
3. add test to user login and obtain Authorization sessionToken (test using
4. add js code to check Authorization before CRUD (create, read, update and delete definition record)
5. add js code to check existence of definition id before update and delete record (test using
6. shell script to get sessionToken in each test for instruction to further test on update and delete definition (test using
7. add js code to create log when create, update and delete definition record (test using / and then
To use mongo to admin user
> use workouts
> db.addUser({ user: "test", pwd: "test", roles:["readWrite", "dbAdmin"]});
or use createUser as below
> db.createUser({ user: "test", pwd: "test", roles:["readWrite", "dbAdmin"]});
To use mongo to display mongodb info
> use workouts
> show collections
> db.users.find()
> db.definitions.find().pretty()
> db.logs.find().pretty()
To use mongo to remove object
> db.definitions.remove({_id:ObjectId("573c29c0f11288dc9997d0")})
Instructions to use
1. First install node.js and mongodb and check that if mongod is running successfully in background. (If you use windows / OSX version of mongodb, please make sure the required data path is created before running mongod.exe / mongod)
2. use mongo to create admin user as above
3. Download the project file and unzip and install packages and start
- bash Select all
cd nodeapi
npm install
npm start &
# test
# kill background job
kill $!
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