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Saturday, November 22, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
How to compile C++ Game for Andorid NDK using Mac Terminal and Ant
This is a walkthrough of building C++ application with Android ndk and ant without using Eclipse IDE
1. Download the latest Android SDK from
and install Java SDK SE from Oracle say jdk-7u71-macosx-x64.dmg
2. Download Android NDK from say
3. Install apache ant
Please take note that for Mac OSX Mavericks, ant is no longer in Mac, just download a binary distribution of Ant from . and unzip/untar it, and add its bin directory to PATH.
4. Use Mac Terminal and add path to the above three installation folders
5. Use Terminal command android sdk and android avd to update the sdk (install sdk of minimum of API-15 (Android 4.0.x) and create a new avd)
If you use Intel HAX for fast virt mode in emulator, please set Use Host GPU to on.
6. Download some C++ game source code e.g. here . Just download the Source Code from the book website and extract say
If you want to support multiple platforms add this APP_ABI in HelloDroid/jni/
7. ndk-build
list target (assume sdk installed already in step 5 above)
update project with target 1 (assume target id 1 is already created with API-16 in step 5 above)
list avd (assume "NokiaX" is created in step 5 above)
8. start emulator
debug build
install apk to emulator
(1) use ant uninstall if need to remove
(2) use Control-fn-F12 to rotate the emulator in Mac
(3) the generated apk file is bin/com.beginndkgamecode.hellodroid-debug.apk
(4) add android:icon to AndroidManifest.xml like this to add a default icon.
<application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" ...
1. Download the latest Android SDK from
and install Java SDK SE from Oracle say jdk-7u71-macosx-x64.dmg
2. Download Android NDK from say
3. Install apache ant
Please take note that for Mac OSX Mavericks, ant is no longer in Mac, just download a binary distribution of Ant from . and unzip/untar it, and add its bin directory to PATH.
4. Use Mac Terminal and add path to the above three installation folders
export PATH=${PATH}:~/android-sdk-macosx/tools:~/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools:~/android-ndk-r9d:~/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin
5. Use Terminal command android sdk and android avd to update the sdk (install sdk of minimum of API-15 (Android 4.0.x) and create a new avd)
If you use Intel HAX for fast virt mode in emulator, please set Use Host GPU to on.
6. Download some C++ game source code e.g. here . Just download the Source Code from the book website and extract say
If you want to support multiple platforms add this APP_ABI in HelloDroid/jni/
APP_PLATFORM := android-16
APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a x86
7. ndk-build
cd ~/Download/HelloDroid
ndk-build clean && ndk-build
list target (assume sdk installed already in step 5 above)
android list target
update project with target 1 (assume target id 1 is already created with API-16 in step 5 above)
android update project -n com.beginndkgamecode.hellodroid -t 1 -p .
list avd (assume "NokiaX" is created in step 5 above)
android list avd
8. start emulator
emulator -avd NokiaX -scale 0.5 &
debug build
ant clean && ant debug
install apk to emulator
ant debug install
(1) use ant uninstall if need to remove
(2) use Control-fn-F12 to rotate the emulator in Mac
(3) the generated apk file is bin/com.beginndkgamecode.hellodroid-debug.apk
(4) add android:icon to AndroidManifest.xml like this to add a default icon.
<application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" ...
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